Saturday, December 5, 2009

Wireless Information Technology

First-generation wireless mobile communication systems, introduced in the early 1980s, and second-generation (2G) systems, fielded in the late 1980s, were intended primarily for voice transmission. Third-generation (3G) systems, to be introduced in the early 2000s, will offer considerably higher data rates and allow significantly increased flexibility over 2G systems. A feature of 3G wireless mobile systems will be to provide this wide variety of services ranging from voice and paging services to interactive multimedia, including teleconferencing and Internet access through a coordinated or transparent system concept — by fixed wireline where that is most efficient, by terrestrial wireless where required, and even by satellite wireless when necessary. The currently proposed 3G systems will, for the most part, not achieve this coordinated system vision or Global seamless roaming, leaving these as goals for fourth generation (4G) and beyond.
Projection beyond 3G wireless mobile systems naturally leads to the consideration of yet wider bandwidths and higher data rates. However, higher data rates will not necessarily provide additional overall capacity for a number of reasons. First, it is by no means clear how system resources should be managed to accommodate the wide mix of traffic types anticipated. Second, power limitations preclude high data rates over geographically large areas, and a hierarchy of cell structures or ad hoc wireless networks to accommodate those users desiring high data-rate services will be necessary. Third, because of the variability of wideband channels and the need to realize the maximum inherent diversity possible, joint adaptivity across several hierarchical layers is necessary, and an integrated research approach is important to resolve the technical tradeoffs. Fourth, in contrast to purely wireline networks, scalability, or the ability to handle increasing numbers of users and diversity of services, is more challenging with mobile networks. A scalable information infrastructure is clearly essential in any future interconnected information system.2
It appears reasonable to expect an extension of the capacity of 3G wireless systems by at least an order of magnitude with 4G systems and beyond.3 The focus of this initiative is to address fundamental research issues, which are critical to these future generation wireless systems. Several attendant benefits and applications of this increased capacity are outlined below.
Potential Applications of 4G Wireless Mobile Systems
Advanced features of wireless mobile systems, including data rates compatible with multimedia applications, global roaming capability, and coordination with other network structures, will enable applications not possible with current and previous wireless mobile systems such as:
(a) Virtual navigation: A remote database contains the graphical representation of streets, buildings, and physical characteristics of a large metropolis. Blocks of this database are transmitted in rapid sequence to a vehicle, where a rendering program permits the occupants to visualize the environment ahead. They may also "virtually" see the internal layout of buildings to plan an emergency rescue, or to plan visits to possible points of interest.
(b) Tele-medicine: The paramedic assisting the victim of a traffic accident in a remote location must access medical records (e.g., x-rays) and may need video conference assistance from a surgeon for an emergency intervention. In fact, the paramedic may need to relay back to the hospital the victim's x-rays taken locally.
(c) Tele-geoprocessing applications: The combination of geographical information systems (GIS), global positioning systems (GPS), and high-capacity wireless mobile systems will enable a new type of application referred to as tele-geoprocessing. Queries dependent on location information of several users, in addition to temporal aspects have many applications.
(d) Crisis-management applications: These arise, for example, as a result of natural disasters where the entire communications infrastructure is in disarray. Restoring communications quickly is essential. With wideband wireless mobile communications, limited and even total communications capability, including internet and video services, could be set up in hours instead of days or even weeks required for restoration of wireline communications.
(e) Education via the internet: educational opportunities available on the internet, both for K-12 pupils and individuals interested in life-long education, will be unavailable to clientele living in thinly populated or remote areas because of the economic unfeasibility of providing wideband wireline internet access in these areas. Wideband wireless communications provides a cost-effective alternative in these situations.
These areas illustrate applications for wideband mobile communications systems. Proposers are encouraged to suggest their own applications while still keeping the emphasis on basic multidisciplinary integrative research.

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