Wednesday, December 30, 2009

SleepBox Might Be the Most Useful Invention for Urban Commuters

A great idea was proposed by architects Goryainov A. and Krymov M. from the Arch Group. They thought about designing a rental booth that would allow travelers rest during their busy schedules.
The two architects named their booth SleepBox. The SleepBox can truly deserve the title of one of the most useful inventions for urban travelers. These boxes could be installed at decking railroad stations, airports, public and shopping centers, as well as accommodation facilities and even on streets.
One booth is quite spacious, having an area of 3.75 square meters. It includes a bed measuring 2x0.6 meters and featuring an automatic system for changing the bed linen.
The occupier can stay in the boot for several hours. The SleepBox includes a ventilation system, sound alerts in case of emergency, built-in LCD TV, WiFi and sockets that could be used to charge a mobile phone or a laptop. This can indeed be one of the most useful inventions for contemporary urban areas.

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