Monday, December 14, 2009


FIELD: electrics.
SUBSTANCE: invention concerns electric equipment, particularly devices for chemical energy transformation into electrical energy in fuel cells, and can be applied in manufacturing of independent power sources, including in data receiving and processing devices. According to the invention, independent power source with fuel cells includes hydrogen generator with removablecartridges for interacting reagents, reduction and safety valves for anode gas pressure adjustment in fuel chamber, output voltagetransformation unit and valve control unit.Hydrogen generator output is connected to fuel chamber input over reduction valve, fuel chamber output opens into air over safety valve, current outputs of membrane electrode assemblies are connected to output voltage transformation unit input, first output of the unit is connected to control inputs of reduction and safety valves over control unit, and second output of the transformation unit is can be connected to user.
EFFECT: simple, compact and efficient independent power source based on fuel cells. 2 cl, 1 dwg

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